2018 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Hansen

Dr. Richard Hansen, Mayan Expert and Tech Adviser for ‘Apocalypto’ Movie, Keynote Speaker for ICGL Conference

Dr. Richard Hansen, world-renowned Mayan expert and tech adviser for the movie “Apocalypto,” is the keynote speaker for the ICGL Conference in Placencia, Belize, July 19-23, 2018.

Dr. Hansen has worked over three decades researching the Mayan culture. He is leading his excavation in the Mirador Basin. He will be speaking about his amazing discoveries of Mayan life and what this says about the leadership of today. Much can be learned about the rise and fall of Mayan civilization and its parallels today.

“This is an amazing conference and one I thoroughly enjoy attending. It is right on the Caribbean and you can kayak, see the Mayan ruins and enjoy fishing, snorkeling and swimming,” said Dr. June Schmieder-Ramirez, chair of Leadership Studies at Pepperdine University.

The International Center for Global leadership will be holding its 5th Annual Conference at Roberts Grove, Placencia, Belize, in a fantasy-like five-star jungle resort. Potential speakers may send in an abstract on social science topics by July 1, 2018, to juneschmieder@gmail.com.

Dr. June Schmieder-Ramirez, chair of Leadership Studies at Pepperdine University, is the facilitator of the conference.